How to save money when painting and decorating

How to save money when painting and decorating

 by Nige the Decorator

I have been a professional painter and decorator for over twenty years and there’s no doubt that I have learnt many ways to save money on any painting and decorating jobs that I may be doing for a customer. 

It is, however, very important to remember that while decorating costs can quickly spiral and eat away at the budget you have set aside for the new look in your home, you also have to be careful that when trying to save money you don’t cut corners that could ultimately have a negative impact on the finished look. If you end up with a sub-standard job and you may even end up calling in a professional to rectify your work which will just add to your costs.

So here’s a few ways on how you can save money when undertaking a painting and decorating job in your home.

Do your research when buying paint 

Doing your research is so easy nowadays. By simply using the internet you can find the best deals online very quickly and compare prices on different makes of paint at the click of a button.

Most major retailers of paint will have sales at regular intervals during the year. It could be a two for one deal or a 20% discount on all paints. So just because you have always gone to the same retailer, it’s a good idea to go online and check that exactly the same paint is not cheaper at a different retailer around the corner or online. This is something I have always done for my customers to help keep the costs down for them. 

Use a paint calculator 

This is a brilliant way for anybody who is looking to save money when redecorating any room. Most DIY enthusiasts, when it comes to painting a room nearly always over buy how much paint they need. The solution to this problem is quite simple: go online and find a paint calculator. There are many to chose from and all major manufacturers of paint will have one on their website. All you have to do is select the room shape, measure the walls and it will then calculate how much paint you need so you won’t buy too much and waste it. 

I can usually look at a room and know instantly how much paint I will need but that has come with many years’ experience, but for a novice, a paint calculator is the perfect option to find out easily how much paint you need. So, to save yourself money, use a calculator and don’t just guess.

Employ a professional painter and decorator 

This may be the best option if it means you have to take time off work or you have a busy work schedule and simply can’t get away. It is worth working out if you will lose more money by taking time off work than employing a painter and decorator to do the work for you. Also getting in a painter and decorator to do the job could save you money long term and the finish will be more superior and last longer, meaning you won’t have to re-decorate for years. 

Another way of saving money by using a painter and decorator is to ask him to do two rooms at the same time. Painting is very much about patience. You have to wait for paint to dry before you can apply the next coat. By doing two rooms at once the painter and decorator can go from one room to another while waiting for paint to dry. This will reduce the labour cost of his time dramatically, which consequently saves you money. 

Painting or wallpapering a feature wall

This is a really good way to save money. It maybe that you have the same colour on every wall, but if there is nothing really wrong with the condition or finish of the surface, a simple and cheap way to give your room a new lease of life is to add a feature wall by either painting the wall a different colour or having a feature wallpaper. Either way it will look fantastic and not cost the earth. 

Don’t buy cheap paint or cheap paint brushes

I have over the years heard so many times people say to me that it has taken them four coats of paint to cover up the old colour and it still doesn’t look right and it has cost a fortune in paint. 

If you want to save money then buy a quality brand of paint because it will take two coats of paint and the finish and colour will be perfect, covering any old colours completely. It’s totally false economy to buy cheap paint. 

The same applies to buying cheap paint brushes or paint rollers. Buy quality ones. First of all they are re-usable for many jobs and the bristles don’t come out and get stuck on the paintwork and you end up having to start over again or worse still employing a professional painter and decorator to put it right.

So there are some tips on how to save money when painting and decorating, without sacrificing the finish. The most important tip to my minds is to not cut corners and most importantly do your research when it comes to purchasing paint. Painting and decorating is a skill that takes many years to learn, so unless you have the skill or ability it always worth considering employing a professional painter and decorator otherwise it could cost you a lot of extra money to put your painting and decorating right. 


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